41st birthday Kulturfabrik: Kickoff Evening

Date(s) - 04/10/2024 - 05/10/2024
5:00 pm - 1:00 am



To kick off this month of celebrations, we’ve put together a jam-packed evening for you. We’re not going to lie to you: there will be speeches… But in true Kulturfabrik style, with lots of humour, a relaxed atmosphere and some surprising artistic interludes!


5.00 pm: Revelation of our art installation trail
6.00 pm: Performance by the Biergerbühn
6.30pm: Official speeches & surprises
8.30pm: Buffet & DJ Set
9.30pm: Special concert by MUTINY ON THE BOUNTY and the Institut Européen de Chant Choral (Inecc), accompanied by choir members assembled for the occasion.
10pm: Live electro dance set by JKNP x Video-LED-Laser-Mapping live show by VJ MELTING POL on an installation by TT Leozolt

To find more information about the event, click this link.

The event is free, but registration is required and can be completed by clicking this link.